2008年5月16日 星期五



九五年與大學書友初探歐洲大陸,歷時六十多天的旅程以羅馬作結。經過十小時的走路,最後一夜選到火車站附近的一家意大利餐館,心血來潮點了Penne Bolognese + 可樂。

從此這成為冒失鉤獨門的Happy meal——每完成一段旅程,每渡過一個難關,心水清的寶寶、曾導演總會撞撞我的手肘:「需要來一客意粉可樂嗎?」

零二年接受HK Magazine的訪問,部份的答案早已不適用——不過其中一個還是歷久常新:

Which famous author/ artist/ musician would you like to invite around, and what drink/ meal would you serve?


Italian director Federico Fellini. I would serve him pasta and coca-cola. I always have this combination when I am in a good mood.

即是獲得記者的嘉許:「Woo, I really like this answer!」


1 則留言:

匿名 提到...

never heard u have such experience before tim! or u want another uncle roma to comfort u? :P