今天早上被問到:「今次洛城之行最棒的地方在哪?」(What is the best part of your stay in LA this time?)一時間說不上來,因為如魚熊掌,難以抉擇。可以說是不絕的奇遇、從小山坡上遠眺的Highland Park、加州的陽光、棕櫚樹‥‥‥不過最珍貴的還在六十天以來沿路陪伴的守護天使,一個接一個相繼出現。洛城或許真的城如其名:Los Angeles──天使之城。
“Life is full of thanks.”。暫別之時,為各位天使送上祝福。
洛城天使:http://kwongps0207.shutterfly.com/action/pictures?a=67b0de21b35b9a0ac457。抱歉未能盡錄,這當然包括Highland Park車站上兩位機靈的乘客,在遠距離看到冒失鉤奔跑追趕火車的當兒,多次幫忙按著停車掣,好讓冒失鉤趕上列車。
2 則留言:
as one of Los Angeles' many ambassadors, i can say with authority you will be missed, sa. i am only so glad to be in this precious, foolish company. i wish for your New York future happenstance, serendipity and a helluva an adventure. much love